What are the SEO and marketing benefits of content curation?

Content marketing is highly recommended for its SEO benefits and bringing you customers. But what happens when you don’t have enough hours in the day to produce all of the original content that you need to take advantage of its benefits? Then content curation can help you out.

[2016-02-25] Benefits-of-Curation

Source: curata.com.

Mysterious spike in WordPress hacks silently delivers ransomware to visitors

In the past four days, researchers from three separate security firms have reported that a large number of legitimate WordPress sites have been hacked to silently redirect visitors to a series of malicious sites. The attack sites host code from the Nuclear exploit kit that’s available for sale in black markets across the Internet. People who visit the WordPress sites using out-of-date versions of Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, Microsoft Silverlight, or Internet Explorer can then find their computers infected with the Teslacrypt ransomware package, which encrypts user files and demands a hefty ransom for the decryption key needed to restore them.

Make sure your WordPress installation, plugins and theme are up to date and the website is locked down with a strong password(s) and preferably two-factor authentication. Look out for signs of being targeted until there is more information available about causes of this new hack.

7 Ways to Gain Lifelong Customers after Making a Sale

Research has shown that increasing customer retention by 5% can improve company’s profitability by up to 95%. That’s why gaining customer trust, and keeping it after a purchase is made, is so important.

And yet, most businesses have massive holes in their customer service. Follow Neil Patel as he shows how to optimizing what happens after the sale.

Best Times to Publish Content for Social Media Engagement

Knowing when your users are active on social networks is useful, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. AddThis analyzed data in both the United States (US) and in the United Kingdom (UK) to search for peak social engagement times – when users were most likely to click and share content – on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

These findings are meant to help website owners get an idea of the best times to publish new content to maximize engagement on social media.

Accepting Credit Cards: 5 Myths About EMV Clarified

If you haven’t heard already, you may be hearing the term “EMV” a lot more in the coming months, especially if you use point-of-sale (POS) devices like swipers or phone card readers.

As with any widespread technological update, many businesses may hear confusing or conflicting information regarding how the changes will affect them. Business News Daily spoke with security and payment industry experts to get to the bottom of five common beliefs (and misbeliefs) about EMV:

Accepting Credit Cards: 5 Myths About EMV Clarified

How To Make Quality Videos For YouTube

Anyone can make a video and upload it to YouTube. The key is picking a niche and sticking to that. Whether it be tutorials or quick how-tos, daily or weekly updates, mashups of your blog posts, or a peek into your daily life, you can gain a unique set of subscribers with professional-looking videos.

Zoe Waldron shows how to make a successful YouTube channel and what are the materials you need to collect.

DIY Product Photography Tips: How to Easily (And Affordably) Capture Beautiful Product Photos

Product Photography Tips: Use this simple DIY method to create professional product photography. DSLR and Iphone photography tips are included to help you produce good images with whatever tools you got.

The transcript is available if you learn better with text than with video.