WordPress 4.9.8 is now available. This is a maintenance release with 18 Privacy fixes focused on ensuring consistency and flexibility in the new personal data tools that were added in WordPress 4.9.6, including:
- The type of request being confirmed is now included in the subject line for all privacy confirmation emails.
- Improved consistency with site name being used for privacy emails in multisite.
- Pagination for Privacy request admin screens can now be adjusted.
- Increased the test coverage for several core privacy functions.
This post has more information about all of the issues fixed in 4.9.8 if you’d like to learn more.
While WordPress.org already started automatic background updates that do not require you to do anything, it may take some time for them to get to your website. If it does not update automatically today, do it yourself (if you are confident enough) or contact Dusk Owl for help.