Sometimes it’s difficult to identify problem areas of your own web site. You may be too close to it to see clearly what exactly is not working or what can be improved. It can be a little discouraging to feel that something is still missing despite of all your hard work. That’s where a web site review can help you pinpoint those missing ingredients of success.
Would you like answers to the following questions:
- is our web site showing its age?
- why don’t we get more sales?
- why so many customers abandon our shopping cart?
- why so few people comment on our blog posts?
- how many people come to our web site and what pages do they visit?
Getting a professional advice on these and many other aspects of your web site can make a real difference in the performance of your current web site, provide insights for its redesign or help you focus on new areas of your market.
With our review, you will get a thorough audit of your current web site: design, coding, navigation, linking practices, shopping and checkout processes, overall web site performance at various connection speeds and on multiple devices, and more.
All this data will help you see where the problems are and how serious they are. It will also confirm or maybe correct your own thoughts about your web site.
Tell us what you believe is wrong, which goals are not being met.
With your input in mind we will give a full review of your web site and provide you with clear, practical written recommendations for improvement. There is no obligation to work with Dusk Owl after that; you are free to take our advise to another company or to implement it yourself.