The science behind fonts (and how they make you feel)

After experimenting with how content is displayed on the ooomf blog, Mikael Cho discovered there’s an element of science behind why seemingly small things like font and the spacing between letters can impact how we feel when reading online. The result is an article about the research done, complete with tips on how to better present the content by choosing the right font and layout.

“Understanding the way we read is important for designing how words look because you can directly impact someone’s connection to your writing with the right font and layout. ”

~ Mikael Cho

How To Choose The Right Face For A Beautiful Body

What is it that makes a typeface into a text font, instead of a font for larger sizes? The answer differs slightly, depending on whether one aims for print or Web-based environments.

Nevertheless, there are certain features that most good text faces have in common. Familiarity with these helps to select the right fonts for a given project. This article by Dan Reynolds presents a few criteria to help the process along.